The Stanford Center for Position, Navigation and Time serves as a research umbrella. SCPNT currently provides funding and support for the following research labs:
The GPS Research Laboratory works with the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, Arinc, NASA and U.S. Coast Guard to pioneer systems that augment the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Galileo. These augmentations broadcast differential corrections to improve accuracy, provide error bounds in real time, and/or mitigate radio frequency interference.
Headed by Professor Todd Walter and Dr. Sherman Lo, the Lab has a staff of professional researchers, a number of Ph.D. students as well as graduate students seeking other degrees.
Hollberg Lab
Professor Leo Hollberg’s experimental research program in laser/atomic physics focuses on high-resolution spectroscopy of laser-cooled and -trapped atoms, non-linear optical coherence effects in atoms, optical frequency combs, optical/microwave atomic clocks, and high sensitivity trace gas detection. Frequently this involves the study of laser noise and methods to circumvent measurement limitations, up to, and beyond, quantum limited optical detection. Technologies and tools utilized include frequency-stabilized lasers and chip-scale atomic devices.
Space Rendezvous Lab
The Space Rendezvous Laboratory (SLAB) is a research and development laboratory of the department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University founded and led by Professor Simone D’Amico. SLAB performs fundamental and applied research at the intersection of Astrodynamics and Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) to enable future distributed space systems. These include but are not limited to spacecraft formation-flying, rendezvous and docking, swarms, and fractionated space architectures.
Hopkins Marine Station
Professor Barbara Block and her colleagues are conducting research with a new type of remote telemetry device, call pop-up satellite archival tags. The tags are essentially computers that record navigational information, body temperature, depth, and ambient temperature data. The information gained with these tags will improve our understanding of the biology of these species and increase our knowledge of stock structure. The successful implementation of the novel satellite and archival tag technology has provided marine researchers with new tools for studying inaccessible marine vertebrates.