2013 PNT Symposium

View Photos from the 2013 PNT Symposium in the SCPNT Web Photo Gallery
2013 PNT Symposium Information Packet & Banquet Speaker
You can download a PDF 2013 PNT Symposium Information packet below. In addition to the 2013 symposium flyer, the information packet contains the agendas for both invited talks and student talks, lists of symposium participants and their associated companies/institutions. Below you will also find a link to Frank van Diggelen's banquet dinner presentation.

2013 PNT Symposium Information Packet (PDF)

Frank van Diggelen's Dinner Presentation: Who's Your Daddy?
Why GPS Rules GNSS (PDF)
2013 PNT Symposium Speakers and Presentations
The two tables below display all of the 2013 PNT Symposium invited speaker and student presentations. The presentations are listed alphabetically by the last names of the presenters.
Click on any presentation title in blue text to view/download the presentation file, and in some cases, related video or other files.
2013 PNT Symposium • Invited Speaker Presentations
2013 PNT Symposium • Student Poster Presentations
Student/Post Doc | Department/School | Presentation Title (Blue = Link to Presentation File ) |
Paul Berceau | Physics | Time Transfer Using Mode-locked Femtosecond Laser (PDF) |
Ashley Clark | Aero Astro | Sampling-Based Spacecraft Motion Planning (PDF) |
Tim Kovachy | Physics | Gravitational Wave Detection Using Atom Interferometry (PDF) |
Shankar Ramakrishnan | Aero Astro | Enabling Autonomous Navigation at GEO Using A Dual GPS + Galileo Constellation (PDF) |
Tyler Reid | Aero Astro | Orbital Representation for the Next Generation of Space-based Augmentation Systems (PDF) |
Alex Sugarbaker | Physics | Enhanced atom interferometer readout through the application of phase shear (PDF) |
Andrey Sushko | Physics | MEMS Mirrors for Optical Tracking (PDF) |
Ryan Volz | Aero Astro | Sparse Decomposition of Radar Signals for Delay-Frequency Sidelobe Removal (PDF) |