Stanford Leadership in PNT
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Stanford is uniquely positioned to realize this vision. Two professors, Brad Parkinson and Jim Spilker, were two of the original architects of GPS. Six professors in four different departments, Per Enge, Mark Kasevich, Barbara Block, Leo Hollberg and Simone D’Amico lead key technology and application groups:
Aeronautics and Astronautics

- Wide Area Augmentation of GPS for aircraft navigation
- Precision farm tractor navigation using differential GPS
- Local Area Augmentation of GPS for aircraft landing
- Ionospheric modeling using networks of monitor stations
- Antenna beam steering for interference reduction
- Space Flight Dynamics
- Autonomous Satellite Navigation and Contriol
- Spacecraft formation-flying
Electrical Engineering
- Precision antenna arrays and antenna design
- Atmospheric physics
- Vector signal processing of GPS and other signals
- ASIC and DSP software signal processing
- Configurable low power GPS software receiver
- Wafer Scale Silicon Oscillators
- MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes
Physics & Applied Physics
- Chipscale atomic clocks
- Atomic reference mass accelerometers and gyroscopes
- Time and Time transfer
Biology and Hopkins Marine Institute
- Marine Migration Analysis using PNT devices
View Paper showing Stanford doctoral student leadership in GPS research: Professional Publishing Trends of Recent GPS Doctoral Students by Leo Mallette, ION Conference Presentation, 2006.